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Terms and Conditions

Please read carefully as booking a slot means you agree to these terms and conditions

Owners and your dog’s

Your dog – dogs are the owner’s responsibility, please ensure there is always good behaviour.

Owners use the Rushy Paws Paddock at their own risk. Rushy Paws will not accept any liability for any losses/injuries/accidents/death to owners, or dogs and vehicles are parked at owners’ risk.

Maximum of 6 Dogs at any one time.

Dogs must be kept on a lead until the paddock gate is securely locked behind you and when leaving the paddock to go back to your car.

Water for your dogs

Water is available at the tap located on the Breakout hut      

Please rinse the dishes after use.

Paddock Details

Our fencing is 6ft high however If you feel your dog may potentially jump this then we do not recommend you book the paddock as we are not held liable for any dogs that escape. We have provided netting around the perimeter to enable owners to bring smaller dogs, but it is your responsibility to check the perimeter to see if this is secure for your dogs.


The paddock does have uneven surfaces which could be slippery depending on weather conditions please use suitable footwear and report any holes etc.

Do not let your dogs dig holes, especially around the perimeter.

We have zero tolerance for verbal or aggressive abuse towards Dogs or people.

Please be mindful that there are horses in the adjacent field and occasionally horses and riders on the lane please do not let your dogs run up and bark at the fence.

Breakout Hut

Rushy paws have created a breakout Hut for you to enjoy complimentary drinks and a little shelter. Please do not let children use the drinks machine and be careful as drinks are hot. Please do not abuse the generosity of Free tea, coffee and biscuits or these will be removed.

Dog treats please only take one treat per dog and make sure your dog has no food allergies.

Please leave this area clean and tidy and report to us if not found clean and tidy.


Vaccination, worming and Illness

All dogs must be up to date with vaccinations and worming. Please leave 48 hours if your dog has been ill before bringing to the Rushy paws paddock.


Please clean up your dog’s poo and the affected grass around it.

If you forget a bag, there are some provided by the gate. Please pick up all poo, should you come across one that’s not your dog, it would be appreciated if you could please pick it up however if it is a regular occurrence, please report it to us. Please dispose of in the bin provided by the gate.

If your dog has loose poo and is difficult to clean, please message me and mark it so that I can have it disinfected.


Maximum of 6 dogs per session

Bookings are for 50 minutes of paddock use & 10 minutes to lock up and vacate. If you arrive late, you forfeit your time arranged in the paddock please leave on time. People not leaving on time may not be able to book in future.


As your insurer, you will be covered to hire out your private fields for an XL Bully Dog on the following basis:

  1. The dog is registered with the index of exempted dog (IED) and a copy of the life certificate is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim.
  2. A copy of the public liability insurance certificate for the dog is obtained and provided to us in the event of a claim.
  3. The dog handler ratio is 1:1 with their handler at all times
  4. The dog is Neutered – in line with Government Rules
  5. The dog is Micro Chipped
  6. The field is private property with no public access passing through
  7. The field is securely fenced and locked so the dog cannot escape 
  8. The dog is kept on a lead and muzzled until the gate is shut when entering the field 
  9. The dog is put back on a lead and muzzled before opening the gate to leave the field
  10. You can remove the lead and muzzle once inside the secured field

If the household has more than 1 dog, they can come to the field together, but the banned breed dog must have its own handler and then another member of the same household needs to be present to supervise the other dogs. If there is more than 1 banned breed in the household they can come together but each dog must have its own handler.


Prepayment is required to secure your booking; this is taken by card payment via the website.


please ensure that you give more than 24hrs notice of cancellation, Cancellation within 24 hours or a no-show is non-refundable

Cancellation refund with at least 24 hours’ notice

There will be a £1.00 cancellation charge to cover our administration charges. You will be refunded the price you paid for the slot less the £1.00 admin charge.

 If you arrive early and somebody is still using the paddock, please wait until they have vacated before getting your dog(s) out of the car – remember that some people use this paddock because their dogs are nervous or reactive to other dogs.

You may meet with friends in the paddock if your dogs get along, please book the appropriate slot for the correct number of dogs that will be using the paddock and remember it is a max of 2 cars in the car parking area at one time and a maximum of 6 dogs in total. Anyone joining you at the paddock please make them aware of our terms and conditions.

We have a No Smoking Policy as cigarette ends can be toxic to Puppies and dogs. Vaping is allowed.

We reserve the right to close the paddock if we have severe weather conditions we would refund or change your booking

Washing and grooming of dogs are not allowed onsite

Children (under18)

Rushy Paws encourages good relationships between children and their pets. We hope your family have a fun time. Children on site must always be accompanied by an adult.

Agility equipment is for dogs to use only – Please do not allow children to climb on or use the equipment.

Please enjoy your time at Rushy Paws and leave feedback on our social media pages

Failing to comply with our terms & conditions may result in you not being able to use the paddock.